Energy Justice

Resisting Fossil Infrastructure

NYELJP and the National Lawyers Guild (including the Environmental Justice Committee and the Mass Defense Committee, which coordinates NLG Legal Observers®) absolutely support the lawful exercise of free speech in protesting expansions of fossil fuel infrastructure, including pipelines and facilities for distribution, processing, or transport. Our network of attorneys, including the recently founded Water Protector Legal Collective, is committed to defending human rights against state violence, direct or vicarious.

Clean Energy Transition

NYELJP advocates for renewable energy policies that prioritize a just transition and worker safety, and that properly recognize the dangers of supposed solutions such as hydroelectric power  (eg., mercury toxicity in indigenous communities), nuclear, and biomass incineration. The North American Megadam Resistance Alliance is a coalition of organizations whose mission is to protect rivers and their communities by resisting megadams and associated transmission corridors. See our Resources page for links to further information as we update this page.